







domesticated spirituality

excluding people


initiating (= 'active') forgiveness

institutional attitudes





putting persons first



solidarity with sinners

telling our stories

unconditional forgiveness

values implied by forgiveness

Index of main themes :  A-I

jump to :  Index of main themes J-W





This index enlarges on many of the major themes for understanding forgiveness better. 

The short list on the left forms a sort of 'foundation' level or primer.  It should convey how all-pervasive are the dimensions of our lives where small-minded or 'domesticated' attitudes and behaviours need to be addressed and transformed by the miracle of human forgiving :




After false accusation

The values implied by forgiveness  # 3

When abuse distorts forgiveness


After false accusation

'Staying alive?'

The 'no-name' game # 3-4  

Active forgiveness


and see entries under Initiating

A gift he does not deserve

Dimensions of forgiveness # 3-4     

His failure is your failure

Isn't it only for the weak? (FAQ)

The power to forgive

The power to initiate forgiveness # 2-3   &  # 6

The values implied by forgiveness  # 3

What motivates us to forgive? # 3

Alcoholics Anonymous Testing two Forgiveness programs (passim)

The place of anger in enduring love (passim)


Forgiveness : Why and How # 1

I am far too just

You need to hear them say sorry

Asking for forgiveness

Should forgiveness be unconditional? # 2

Wanting to calm my fears

Atonement, Jesus'

How Christ delivers reconciliation (passim)

What I have cleansed

You are forgiven #7


The power to initiate forgiveness # 2,   # 5-8,  &  # 13

Avoiding people or conflict see Excluding people


B Belonging

Communities, institutions and belonging  # 7-8

Bi-focal vision

and see entries under Seeing

Art and the difficulty of representing forgiveness

Growing into deeper spirituality # 4

The dimensions of forgiveness # 5

Good judgement and bad judgement # 3-4

Righteous and a sinner


Compassion and the posture of blame # 1# 5

Ending a marriage

Going further

Guilt and blame

Most personal problems

'Staying alive?'

Success, blame and a sinner

The power to initiate forgiveness # 11    

'Born again'


= being given a new identity or life

An elder brother returns home

Forgiving my father

Hard work and belonging # 4

Spiritual midwife

You are forgiven # 13  &  # 16

'Bounded' attitude

see Excluding people

Bourgeois world-view see Domesticated spirituality



'Centred' attitude

contrasted with excluding people

Love and forgiveness in 1 Corinthians # 2

On not excluding others # 4-6

You are forgiven # 14

Churches see Community and Institutional attitudes

A community of guilt

A 'place' for forgiveness to aim for

Civic notions of forgiveness

Communities, institutions and belonging (passim)

Forgiveness invites conversion

Love and forgiveness in 1 Corinthians # 3

The power to initiate forgiveness # 10

You are forgiven # 19 



Compassion and the posture of blame (passim)

Compassion for yourself

Forgiving my daughter's killer

Four qualities of love

How much is it worth?

Sparing him greater grief

The power to initiate forgiveness # 9 

There indeed by the grace of God go I


see Labelling


James 5.14-16 / 1 John 1.8-10

Confessions of a justified sinner

The 'no-name' game # 6

You are forgiven # 17


The place of anger in enduring love # 3


see Repentance


Compassion and the posture of blame # 5-6

Empathy and guilt

Forgive and comfort him

How not to counsel

Most personal problems

Only for the weak?

Court of 'just conversation'

and see entries under Telling our stories

Forgiving each other

Taking sides against evil  # 9

The power to initiate forgiveness # 11

Criticism, responding to


also covering Fault-finding

Good judgement and bad judgement # 1  &  # 4


Loving your enemy

On not excluding others # 5


'Staying alive?'

The 'no-name' game # 2     


D Death penalty

Are some sins too big?

Forgiving a murderer

Seeing into a killer's mind

The death penalty doesn't close anything

The values implied by forgiveness  # 3

Debt forgiveness

Dimensions of forgiveness # 1

Forgive us our international debts

Forgiveness inside different types of communication

Student loan forgiveness

Writing off bad debts

Demonising another person

Good judgement and bad judgement # 1

Having a past

Recreate your past



also covering Restoration

Discipline and punishment

Discipline without destruction (passim)

Going further

Good judgement and bad judgement # 5-6

His failure is your failure

Reconciliation is the goal

Solidarity in discipline

The greatest offence

The 'no-name' game # 5

The place of anger in enduring love # 7-8

The power to initiate forgiveness # 7   &  # 11

When churches prevent God's forgiveness

You are forgiven # 20 

Disgust see Labelling

Domesticated spirituality


also covering Bourgeois world-view and Privatising relationships

Communities, institutions and belonging  # 2

Constant focus on sexual infidelity?

Forgiveness inside different types of communication

Hung up on externals

Privatising forgiveness

The values implied by forgiveness   # 1-4

Unforgiven - the movie # 2.3


E Empathy see Solidarity with sinners
Enemy, loving your

Christian weapons

Empathy for the enemy

Letting go hatred for the Holocaust

Loving your enemy

Seeing with better eyes

Talking with an IRA bomber

The power to initiate forgiveness # 8


and see entries under Power

The place of anger in enduring love # 3-5


Bidding goodbye to evil

Campaigning against evil

Good judgement and bad judgement #1

Taking sides against evil # 1# 3# 8

The place of anger in enduring love # 11, # 14-15

Excluding people


also covering Avoiding people or conflict, Bounded attitude,  Excommunication and Withdrawal

Compassion and the posture of blame # 3

Despising the afflicted

Discipline without destruction # 1

Forgiving my father

Good intentions which conceal rejection

Good judgement and bad judgement # 1  &  # 5

Having a past

No problem

On not excluding others (passim)

Pushing people away

The place of anger in enduring love # 3

The power to initiate forgiveness # 7   &  # 10

The values implied by forgiveness # 5

The void of benign neglect

They'd just make me feel worse

Wanting to calm my fears

When churches prevent God's forgiveness


see Excluding people


F Fault-finding

see  Criticism, responding to


Forgive and forget

Forgiveness and a kind of forgetting


Beginning to be free

Dimensions of forgiveness # 5

For freedom

Into freedom and glory

Spiritual midwife

The power to initiate forgiveness # 4

To love your neighbour as yourself

What motivates us to forgive?  # 4

Friendship Communities, institutions and belonging  # 2


G Giving-for someone

Building someone a roof

Charge it to me

Dimensions of forgiveness #2-3

Good judgement and bad judgement # 6

How Christ delivers reconciliation # 2-5  &  # 9

I cannot forgive him

Paid the fine

The letter or the spirit

To love your neighbour as yourself

You are forgiven # 11


Good judgement and bad judgement # 1

The 'no-name' game (passim)


A gift he does not deserve

Grace and mercy

Grace in a 'bad' man

Justice is good; mercy is better

The place of anger in enduring love # 11

'There indeed by the grace of God go I'

You are forgiven # 11


Going further

Good judgement and bad judgement # 2

Guilt and blame

Most personal problems

The place of anger in enduring love # 9

The power to initiate forgiveness # 11

The Spanish Prisoner

Two types of people


H Hardness of heart see Unforgiveness

A healing community

But will he forgive again?

Civic notions of forgiveness

Compassion for yourself

Discernment and healing

Love and forgiveness

New organs, new life

Policeman and robber in Wyoming

Practical forgiveness

Racial division and forgiveness

'Scientific' forgiveness

Scottish victims give life to Palestinian girl

Seeing with better eyes

Spiritual midwife

The power to initiate forgiveness # 4    




and see entries under

Active forgiveness

A unique Christian view?

After false accusation

Dharma and Greg

Dimensions of forgiveness # 1  &  # 4-5

Father and son

Forgiveness : Why and How #7

Hard work and belonging # 4

His failure is your failure

Jesus walked his talk

The power to forgive

The power to initiate forgiveness (passim)

Institutional attitudes

A unique Christian view?

Can we forgive institutions?

Communities, institutions and belonging  # 3

Compassion and the posture of blame #3 & #7-8

Forgiveness inside different types of communication

Having a past

The place of anger in enduring love # 13  & # 15

The Spanish Prisoner

The values implied by forgiveness # 5

When churches prevent God's forgiveness


jump to :  Index of main themes J-W


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Last modified  16 April 2005